Indianapolis has the greatest holiday celebrations! Families can enjoy so many different events while gazing at the arrangements that adorn public landmarks and neighborhoods alike. From the lighting of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument to the Christmas Gift and Hobby Show, there’s always something to do and see. There’s even a train ride around the city to enjoy, complete with Christmas light viewing through the windows as it puffs past!
Christmas festivities are only more cheerful with the addition of holiday decorations, but who wants to spend precious time and energy on it with all the fantastic celebrations that are happening? Let us take the burden of holiday decorating off you. We Hang Christmas Lights has the know-how and reliability of nearly two decades in business across the United States and Canada. With our impressive stock of premium holiday decorations and the ingenious talents of our designers, there’s no decorating challenge we aren’t prepared for! A professional team of Christmas light installers will handle your purchase or rental with the highest finesse and as they string and affix your decorations upon any outdoor surface – shrubs, window frames, arches, chimneys… We’ll even decorate government buildings and apartment complexes. You don’t even have to do the after season removal!
By filling out the form after Entering Your Zip Code and pressing GO, it will be reviewed by our crew of qualified sales assistants. They will be glad to guide you on your way to a splendid and fantastic holiday light arrangement. Why wait another second for your expertly decorated property? For Christmas, give yourself the gift of a majestic light display from We Hang Christmas Lights!